Eating as the way of tabernacling


When we come to the book of Exodus, we find not just a physical building but the way to live in the reality of dwelling with God through tabernacling. 

So what does that tabernacling look like today? John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us … full of grace and reality.” Tabernacling is a living out of the word becoming tangible in us from our eating in the Holy Place. It is the way to meet God; we eat His words as the reality of the showbread and become His embodiment on the earth corporately. The church is the New Testament realization of the tabernacle presented in Exodus 25. God’s dwelling place today is an organic expression through us! Our eating in this tabernacling is critical as the Lord’s expression in this age for the ultimate tabernacle, the New Jerusalem. How we come to the table matters; true eating renders a constitution in us, not with dead letters of law, but with His person as the reality of His word. By exercising through our spirit this eating at the table, we are constituted, transformed, and one with the Lord to express Him. 

Today, we have the privilege to be in this tabernacling as the new and living way (Heb. 10:19-20), and it is through this way that we are an entrance! Whenever we contact people in our daily life, we are a gateway for others to enter this tabernacling. It is in this way — the way — we bring His embodiment to this generation. 

(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering on 1/21/2024, not reviewed by the speaker.)


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